I hope everyone is well. From the title you may think that I am not, but I am OK. I had a little blip of feeling pretty low. Then, I realized I was reading the news or listening to the news podcasts more than usual.
Being informed of the happenings in our world is not only a privilege but I believe, also a responsibility. I often think of the places in the world now and in the past when citizens are/were only hearing what the powers that be wants/wanted them to hear. Now, we have the ability to log in to a news website and immediately find out what is going on. In that way, it is a huge privilege. As I wrote above I believe it is also a responsibility to not put our heads in the sand and think because its not happening to me it doesn’t matter. It does. We are all here on this blue planet together in this moment. It matters. However, we do not need to bombard our minds and hearts with an endless supply of negativity.
Unfortunately, most of the news is focused on every horrible act that is occurring whether it be natural disasters, war, crime, or political decisions which feel oppressive. All of this can lead to a feeling of overwhelm and helplessness. What can one person do? How can I help? Does it even matter? These are the questions that fill my brain when I tune in too much.
When I am feeling this way, I turn to the quote that is on the back of my business cards, which describes the best kind of overwhelm.
“Do your little bit of good where you are; its those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world”- Bishop Desmond Tutu
For me, this is checking in with family and friends to see how they are doing, volunteering at the local food pantry, buying coffee for a stranger, or simply giving someone a sincere compliment that I meet during the day. It can be any number of things for you. You know what feels right for you. It truly is the little things that add up and start a ripple effect (think about the drive thru lines where one person buys the person behind them a meal or coffee and it keeps going!).
My hope is that you realize what I have come to appreciate. One person can make a difference in the best possible ways.
Breathe Deep and Be Well,